Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts

January 4, 2021


 L - Children need to be Loved and to know they are loved.  Children need to be Listened to.

O - Children need the Opportunity to grow physically, spiritually and emotionally.

V - Children need to be Validated and encouraged to be their best selves.

E - Children need Empathy and not sympathy.

D- Children need Discipline.

October 30, 2020

 We are now in the midst of the Covid19 pandemic.  We have many problems and decisions.  One of them is what to do with schools.  If I were in charge, I would open the schools.  I would give parents and teachers a choice.  They can come to school or they can go on line or home school.  

This is what I would do in the schools:

  1. Masks are mandatory.

  2. Temperatures are taken every morning.

  3. Testing is done 3 times a week.

  4. Everyone washes their hands and possibly their faces when they get to school and multiple times during the day.

  5. Children clean their own desks multiple times during the day.

  6. No one can touch another person.

  7. Everyone brings their own pencils, pens, crayons and paper and/or computer.

  8. Everyone brings their own lunch or a box lunch can be provided.

  9. As much learning as possible can be done outside in the school yard.

  10. Children are taught about germs, cleanliness and how to prevent getting sick.

  11. Children are taught to keep their school, home and environment clean.

  12. I would eliminate as much bussing as possible.  Keep children in their own neighborhoods.

  13. I would teach kindness and how to get along with others.

  14. We need to give all children feelings of acceptance, confidence and responsibility.

  15. Life is hard and unless we learn how to deal with difficulties, we will turn to drugs, alcohol or mental illness.  We need to teach our children these skills while they are young. 

November 27, 2016


It is the role of a parent, spouse and/or friend, to teach, encourage, guide, support and love.  It is not our role to criticize, belittle, tease or yell.

September 23, 2016


Before we all place blame, we need to look in the mirror and see what we each can do remedy the situation.  We need to understand that we are all the same underneath and inside.  That being said we also need to come together and support each other and our wonderful country.  I understand that the first new generation that comes to our great country, will still be more comfortable speaking the old language but succeeding generations should totally assimilate.  We need to all learn our common language, customs, rules and laws.  We will help each other become honest and caring Americans.  We will respect and salute the flag.  When we become successful we need to reach down and bring the rest of our people, those of the same nationality, color, race and creed up to our level.  If America really is a melting pot, let's give the pot a little stir, mix it up and make sure everyone is speaking American English and following the laws, rules and customs of our wonderful country!

September 8, 2016


Some people can easily make decisions and others, like me, agonize over each little decision.  It depends on the brain pieces we received.  I have not found either personality to make better or worse decisions.  None of us have a crystal ball so we do not really know in advance the exact best decision.  We do the best with the information we have at the time.  I have found some tips on making life easier for these of us that agonize.  First, accept and understand that this is who you are.  Next, put every decision that you can into a daily routine or habit.  For example, I get up at the same time every day, I eat the same breakfast, I walk at the same time and my meal plan is on a weekly menu.  I know what day I do which job or chore.  I know when I go to bed.  By taking these decisions out of my day, it leaves me more brain power for other decisions.  I research a reasonable amount and then make a decision, understanding that I really have no way of knowing that this is the best decision.  I then accept that decision and move on.

September 5, 2016


The consumption of sugar sweetened beverages has dramatically increased recently and this corresponds to obesity in children and adolescents in the U.S. Research from the Health Studies of Harvard Medical School Health Professionals follow-up Study Newsletter, Winter 2013 has provided scientific evidence on the adverse effects these beverages have on body weight and related chronic diseases. Sugar sweetened beverages are defined as soft drinks or energy drinks that contain added sugar, high fructose corn syrup or fruit juice concentrates. Together, they are the largest source of added sugar in the U.S. diet...


Life is not about being the prettiest, the smartest, the tallest or the most talented.  Life is about knowing who you are and following your own path.  Life is about being kind to others.  Life about listening to your heart.  Life is about listening to others, not to solve their problems or to do as they say, but to hear what they are really saying and to understand, so as to support them to follow their own heart.  You are special just the way you are.  You are made with characteristics unique to you, no better or worse than anyone else.  You are a wonderful human being.

September 3, 2016


I believe that our brains are made of pieces, like puzzle pieces.  There are a possible thousands of pieces that we could get, but most of us have a few hundred more or less.  The pieces that we get are what makes us who we are.  We are neither better nor smarter than anyone else.  We are exactly who we are supposed to be.  We all have gifts and challenges.  We need to develop and use our gifts to live a full and happy life and to use the gifts to benefit humanity.  We need to accept our challenges and learn to grow and compensate so we can function at our highest ability.  When we accept ourselves and accept others for who they are, we will find peace and harmony in our world.

August 30, 2016


We are all concerned about the excessive violence and shootings in our cities. Here are some suggestions for change. Do not give the “shooter” so much publicity.  It gives others the idea and desire to emulate the shooter.  Perhaps we could have more good deeds in the news. There are plenty of wonderful people that give of themselves to help others. Let’s focus more on the good.  Violence abounds in the movies and on TV.  It is everywhere! This is what our children are watching as they grow into adults.  It is all they know. They learn from these TV programs and movies that if they are angry or do not agree with someone, they can go beat them up or shoot them. Why are we surprised when they actually do that?  Our children are sent into the army and to other countries to kill people and then not allowed to kill at home.  No wonder they are confused.  We need to start training children when they are very young. Decide on the values we want them to have and instill those values.  Allow children to feel what they feel and teach appropriate behavior for those feelings, like anger.  Do not tell our children not to feel the anger.  There are times when we all feel anger. We need to learn that the appropriate response is not to shoot someone.  Let's give them other tools, like talking, negotiating and especially listening.

June 12, 2016


Educational Opportunities for Families (EOF) hosted its 2nd Parent Congress on June 4th at Dobbins High School.  It was well presented by Quibila Devine with a panel discussion and many knowledgeable speakers from various organizations, including Bill Green, Luqman Abdullah, Julian Thompson, Jennie Carolina, Dorian Harris and Emanual Bussy.  If you are a parent with children in the Philadelphia schools, get involved in your local parent organizations.  There are many of them and only if you get involved can you effect change.  You can contact Quibila at 

May 10, 2016


Thank you to Megan Hayden to speaking to us at the Special Needs Event on May 7th and giving very valuable information.  Megan is the coach and founder of Process This, a leadership program for students with processing, dyslexia, ADD/HD, language based learning and executive functioning challenges.  Megan is a youth motivator providing insight and strategies for parents and their children on the "how to" succeed from the inside out.  She is currently the Upper House Coordinator at the Workshop School, supporting students in their college courses.  Megan can be reached at


Thank you to our keynote speaker at the Special Need Event on Saturday, May 7, 2016, David T. Jones.  Mr Jones is the deputy commissioner of the Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual Disability Services for the City of Philadelphia.  He oversees all of the behavioral departments - a $1billion healthcare agency with nearly eight hundred employees.  He has over 25 years of progressive collaborative management experience and has produced measurable results to improve the lives of our children, adults and families with behavioral health needs.  He is knowledgeable and friendly and easily approachable.  He can be reached at 215-685-6082 or


On May 7th we attended the first annual Special Needs Event at Girard College.  A big thank you to Rosemarie Hatcher, president of the Philadelphia Home and School Council for chairing and bringing this event to fruition.  There are many resources available for special needs children and adults in Philadelphia and much information was presented and is easily available. The guest speakers were Deputy Commissioner David T. Jones, Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual Disability Services and Megan Hayden co-founder of ProcessThis.  Both speakers gave very valuable information and insight. For more pictures, resources and contact information...

March 2, 2016


Oh, those irresistible French Fries when approaching those infamous concession stands on the boardwalk down the shore. Unfortunately, the usual deep frying adds unwanted calories to this ever appealing treat. The following simple yet delicious recipe cooks the potato by roasting with minimal oil, less of the mess and without the greasiness of the fries. Young or old, no one can resist this universal treat. Recipe follows...


This information on Bullying was originally posted by Alicia on 10/22/14.  It is worth repeating.  The definition of bullying is the intentional aggressive behavior directed at another person.
  • There is a difference between Conflict vs Bullying: 
  • Conflict is a one-time incident that wasn’t pre-planned and there was an effort from both parties. 
  • Bullying is repeated incidents, is about dominance, and damages the victim.

February 24, 2016


I used to feel I knew everything I needed to know.  Then I realized I know more now than I knew 10 years ago.  If we gather more wisdom as we get older it may be prudent to get some advice from older, more experienced people.  Let's speak to our grandparents and great grandparents and learn from their knowledge.  Let us allow and encourage these knowledgeable people be part of our Home and School organizations and parenting groups.  We do not always have to agree, but they may have some pearls of wisdom we have not considered in solving the problems of our community.  The more we know, the better equipped we will be to make important decisions.

February 22, 2016


Recent studies have suggested that at least 40% of the population are sensitive to wheat gluten, dairy, eggs and/or table sugar. These food allergies can transcribe itself into problems of digestion, fatigue, insomnia and irritability among many other symptoms. The following delicious cookie recipe avoids those culprit ingredients allowing you to enjoy a bit of enjoyment without guilt.

January 17, 2016


I have found this recipe easy to make yet very popular with my kids and grand-kids especially when they participate in the making of their own tortilla. Other veggies of their choice can be substituted and works great with leftovers. The first one home can get this dinner started. Everyone can use their own favorite veggies that they choose from the following list...


File:Child with Flag.jpgOur opinions of life are formed by what we see and hear, usually by the age of 3 or 4.  If we want the people living in the United States to have allegiance to the United States and follow the ideals of our forefathers and believe in things like fairness, kindness, and the golden rule, then that is what we should be teaching, not only at home, but also in our schools and preschools.  If we do not teach these values to our children when they are young, then they will get their values from...

January 14, 2016


Violence, crime, shootings...are your children safe? Do you think about what part your children will play in these crimes? We want our children to be neither the victim nor the perpetrator of these horrible incidents. We can influence and guide children to help make their world safer...